Home Učebnice, studium Jazykové kurzy Kurzy angličtiny

Angličtina od rodilé mluvčí!

Hlavní město Praha
12. 4. 2024 - 10:10 (upraveno)
350 Kč


Dobrý den! I am a native English speaker experienced in working with all age groups and I would like to help you improve your English language skills!

My courses are perfect for all types of learners, from beginners to advanced. Whether you would like to learn English for work, travel, school or personal interest, I will make sure our classes are interesting and engaging! Courses can be individual or group.

If you are interested, please feel free to send me a text at +420 602 360 053 or email info@languageforum.cz
A trial lesson is 45min for 350Kč+21%DPH.
I am looking forward to hearing from you!

Základní údaje

Oblast inzerce
Hlavní město Praha
Druh inzerátu
soukromá inzerce
Číslo inzerátu
350 Kč

Angličtina od rodilé mluvčí!

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